The maiden telecast of 'Haritha TV', launched by the board of governors of Sri Jinarathana Vocational Technical Training Center affiliated to the Gangarama Temple, Hunupitiya - Colombo, was inaugurated under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the temple premises today.
The special event which marked another feat in television broadcasting was attended by Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne.
Through this new TV channel, it is aimed to transmit information about agricultural values, traditions, knowledge as well as market-related news for the revival of local agriculture, to the general public. In response to a request by Venerable Dr. Kirinde Assaji Thera of Hunupitiya Gangarama, Navy Commander provided its skilled manpower for the ongoing construction of a two-storied control room and three-storied administrative building required for the channel.
The event was also attended by members of Venerable Maha Sangha, Ministers, Members of Parliament, government officials, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Commander of the Air Force, and a host of distinguished guests.
Shan Wannisekara
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