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Express train crashes and derails in east coast tunnel

 At least 48 people are dead, and more than 70 injured after an express train derailed in a tunnel on Taiwan’s east this morning, April 2.

More than 350 people were aboard the 8-carriage train, which was fully booked as today is the first day of the 4-day holiday for the Tomb Sweeping Festival.

At least 36 people lost vital signs at the scene of the accident, reports said at around noon, but the death count grew as rescue crews cut through the mangled wreck of the train. By late afternoon, 48 bodies had been found. Most of the dead and seriously injured were concentrated in the 7th and 8th carriages, firefighters said.

Passengers who were able escaped through broken windows, and some through the roof of the derailed cars inside the tunnel.

Passengers were left in the dark after the power went out, and had to navigate using light from their phones.


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